Recently, Apple launched its first music social network – Ping which has already reached one million users in just over 48 hours. It is a one of the much-admired features of iTunes 10 which was announced at a special Apple event alongside new iPods and a revamped Apple TV.
Ping is Apple’s first music social network. It allows users to share what music they’re buying on Apple’s iTunes Store. If you join on Ping, you can become a friend of others just like other existing networks. You can view custom music charts also based on what songs their circle of friends have been buying on the iTunes Store and like. You can comment on other user’s purchases.
iTunes software runs with more than 160 million existing users. About one million users have downloaded iTunes 10 and joined Ping already.
Ping, a social network for music, gives you a chance to follow your favorite artists and friends to discover the music they’re talking about, listening to and downloading.
iTunes 10 with Ping gives you a chance to post your thoughts and opinions, your favorite albums and songs, and the music you’ve downloaded from iTunes. You can view concert listings and tell your friends which concerts you plan to attend also.
You can log on to Ping from the iTunes sidebar. You can create a basic profile by log into your iTunes account.
About the uses of Ping, an online news portal about technology - , “After setting up your profile and liking some music, you’re presented with a very simple “Welcome to Ping” screen. You’re given three immediate options: “Search for People or Artists”, “Invite Your Friends by Email”, and “Connect iTunes Ping with Facebook.” The third option is probably your best bet - it only found two of my friends from Facebook on Ping, but I began the process within an hour of the service launching. I could follow these friends without any issue, and they popped up in my “Recent Activity” feed instantly.”
Ping is already being called “MySpace Killer”. However, it can become a great way to share your music taste amongst your group of friends.
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